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Welcome to my Official 3D Art Home Page. Here, you will see my latest 3d work. Just click in the 3D Graphics links to view them. Also post a message or two in the forums. If you have any comments or complements, suggestions then send them. I do not except hate mail, illegal mail or ranting complaint e-mails (this isn't a store any ways), Thank you!

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Feb. 26, 2004

I seem to have found a great 3D program but might take me some time to get used to it. I'll need a system upgrade and will need to buy this program only when it reaches version 10 since now that version 10 will have skeletal movement seen in many famous 3D engines. The program costs about 120 dollars US. And is a very powerful engine for the price.

Go see Cyber Motion at http://www.3d-designer.com

Feb. 23, 2004

I have started to look at POV LAB. And I find it looks cool! So I will give it a try, also I am currently thinking of making a adventure games using my 3D graphics skills!


History of Simply 3D: As far as I know about Simply 3d it all started with a company called Virtual Software Inc. Now the reason they were so great I think was mostly of such powerful tools that people could easily use with an affordable price. Now people use more advance pieces of software such as 3D Max Studio, Animation Master, and also the famous MAYA used by movie industries today. Although it might sound all peaches and cream. It is pretty expensive never the less. Virtual Software Inc. used to offer very powerful tools at affordable price. As far as I know the company has existed since around 1995. Tools for editing 3D has evolved over the ages. But now Simply 3D has fell in the hands of MicroGrafx. A company that in my views doesn't look too interested in the legendary program of Simply 3D. I say legend since it was a great software in the past but then it has been lacked I say. Simply 3D should of evolved and broke new grounds in the way graphics are done day. It should of gone professional and evolved from there as Virtual Reality 2.0 should have as well. Alas, Simply 3D remains a mystery to me. Of why this great company, simply just lacked the ability to evolve. Who knows how graphics will evolve and lead us too. Hopefully some day we will see powerful engines at affordable and reasonable prices. As the software company from California once standed.

Today, I own the Virtual Software Inc. Showcase CD, the original Simply 3D Pack from Virtual Software Inc. and also my current tool in graphics, Simply 3D Version 2.0. Version 3.0 is available and out there but I was disgusted by the lack of things they have put in edition to Version 2.0 It should of been much better and much more powerful with a completely new and different interface. People that steps up a version should at least make it look like a version upgrade and not a sub version upgrade. You've got work to do MicroGrafx.


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The EZ Traffic is suppose to help people like you find my little place on the web :) It's only on this page though!
Have fun on my web site though, I will try to update my photos and other things when I find time or/and something to put on it.
Also don't forget to visit the forum and post away. :)


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